Guess the best investment

The most glaring omission in @Mr.Dee.Bater's multipart series on why watches make great investments is the nearly foolproof results investors gain in the vintage market. There is nearly nothing that can go wrong when you put money into vintage watches, nothing. I have sold each of these watches in the last year for a profit. One fetched a profit of 580%. Which was it? (Disclaimer: I may have thrown in a strap at a nominal loss, but that doesn't count...) (With this poll I should get the badge and I may never do another.)
60 votes ·

Congratulations on getting your Pollster Badge!


Pheww! You can smell the burn a mile away! 🔥


Congratulations on getting your Pollster Badge!

Not too many believed in me, but I believed in myself. I gave 110% and always kept my head in the game. I stayed within myself.

I want to thank everyone, even the haters and losers. I deserve this badge.


I love your posts so much that, if there were a way to give you badges that I might have that you do not, I would gladly give them to you.


I voted for: A. Helbros. Because you can't make money flipping watches without Bros.


Congratulation to your badge, even if they mean nothing to you. I know how you enjoy this part of the Crunch. I go with the Russian watch. Even it should have plummit due to the Russian rape of Ucrain I believe the case is ”in” and that is a watch you can buy cheap and sell less cheaper to the ”right”buyer.


The best investment? Waiting to eat my marshmallow till the end of class so teacher can give me a 2nd one.

Checkmate, atheists