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First Time in the Water

Does anyone else worry the first time they take their waterproof watch under water? Doesn't matter how much water resistance it says it has, I always...

Funny Things Non-Watch People Say

Yesterday after work I picked up my fiancé from the station, she has no real interest in watches, but as I drove off it was one of the very rare times...

Variations on my CWC G10

One of the reasons I bought the G10 is that I love how many different looks I get with the same watch. Where the face is subtle (at least in compariso...

Recent Comments

commented on Which watch has more soul? ·

To me each watch I own is its own entity and has soul because of it.

My CWC is quartz, but was issued to the Navy in 1990 and has 'lived' so therefore has 'soul' regardless of what powers it. My Vostok was sold to me by a Ukrainian who posted it from the Ukraine just as the war was starting, it's mechanical and because of its life and (inanimate) evacuee status also has soul.

I could go on with the others, but I'd be boring you all to tears.

What I'm trying to say is an object has soul because of what we project upon it, it's not the object itself. A plastic McDonalds Happy Meal toy can have soul if a little kid gave you it to cheer you up when you were feeling down. ❤️

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

Wow! I would have said yes and not got into trouble! 😃

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

*Adds to basket*

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

If they did a homage cheap enough called 'Tulip' I'd get it for my Mrs as a joke! 😃

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

Yeah I do the same, I was trying to work out what some fella on the train was wearing this morning, but couldn't look properly as his hand was on his lap and I didn't want him thinking I was staring at his crutch!

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

In fairness I'm just as bad with clothes and other things too, I'm probably worse than she is in the amount and variations of things I obsess with!

commented on Funny Things Non-Watch People Say ·

I do wonder who notices my watch, I'm always glancing at people's wrists to see what they're wearing!

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