Custom Watch Box Complete!!!

Well, I finally got around to finishing my custom watch box and it turned out fantastic. Great to have all the family members together both watches and straps, but I have noticed one major flaw....

Pervious post below if you would like to see the starting point back in November.

Phase 1 Post

Phase 2 Post

The entire project was only 15 hours of total work but between my procrastination, terribly cold weather, and busy work schedule, it lost priority over the past few months. I had some downtime this weekend and promised my wife I would get it done and out of "her" 4 Seasons room. lol.

Let me know what you think. I am still very novice when it comes to woodworking but enjoy it.

The flaw....I have no space for NWAs 😜....



Excellent box! Nice work.🍻


That's awesome! Love it.


I want one!




Amazing work!

I'm jealous of the strap storage!


Well done! Looks great!


Nice work