How do you enjoy your watches off wrist??

We wear watches.

We store watches.

Have you tried laying out your watches?

I've found that it's another way to enjoy more of my collection, more often!

I recently purchased this cork tray that I keep on my work desk. I got the cork as a friendly surface in case I need to change out straps or bracelets. However, what I did not expect was my laziness.

I typically store my watches in a watch roll (I love how utilitarian yet unfancy they are), but at the end of a long day, I pulled off a watch and left it draped on the cork overnight.

The next day I came back to my desk wearing a different watch. I found that while I worked I not only enjoyed the one on my wrist, but also the one laying out!

Anyway, this grew. And I don't regret it.

Is anyone else as insane as I am to do/try something like this? Let me know I'm not alone with any pics of proof!

How do you get extra peeps of these beauties??


I keep photos of my watches on my phone which I browse through along with pics of my darling son. :) and on the weekends I take random pieces to play with; clean, wind, all the good stuff.


I keep photos of my watches on my phone which I browse through along with pics of my darling son. :) and on the weekends I take random pieces to play with; clean, wind, all the good stuff.

Two types of art: our watches and our children!


Similar to you, mine don't go straight back in the box. At night they go on the stand, which takes up to four, and gives me a chance to see a random pair or collection of 3-4. When it gets full I'll put them all away and start again. I'll also have a play with the timegrapher every now and then, and have a couple of hours changing straps.


Similar to you, mine don't go straight back in the box. At night they go on the stand, which takes up to four, and gives me a chance to see a random pair or collection of 3-4. When it gets full I'll put them all away and start again. I'll also have a play with the timegrapher every now and then, and have a couple of hours changing straps.


Ohh I love this! Borrowing the idea for myself!!



This is my living room table.


The watches i don’t wear have to stay in a wooden watchbox without a glass lid. They shall not see what i‘m enjoying. 😈


My Friday routine is laying all the watches on the table and setting the time.. Then keep both the watch boxes next to me when I am studying.. to take a break from reading involves admiring one piece at a time.

My wife thinks I am crazy… I am still surprised that she is still around..😉


My watches are properly stored and secured when I am not wearing them. Once a week or so I take them out wind or give them a shake and just generally enjoy them. My other half calls the process "The Ritual."



This is my living room table.

haha- okay, I'm definitely not alone


The watches i don’t wear have to stay in a wooden watchbox without a glass lid. They shall not see what i‘m enjoying. 😈

you got a side tick...tock


My watches are properly stored and secured when I am not wearing them. Once a week or so I take them out wind or give them a shake and just generally enjoy them. My other half calls the process "The Ritual."

"the ritual" - love it


I like to take off all my clothes, lay on my bed naked, and pour watches all over me.

this gives a whole new meaning to "drip"


I like the feeling of rediscovery when I choose a watch to wear. Having them out and seeing them frequently would diminish that feeling.

All of mine are kept in glass-topped storage cases, stacked up so I only see the top box.


With my own custom designed and 3D printed displays. 😁





With my own custom designed and 3D printed displays. 😁








More Geeky than anything. 🤣


With my own custom designed and 3D printed displays. 😁





Those are great! Very cool! 😎


Those are great! Very cool! 😎

Thanks. It’s a labor of love.



This is my living room table.

Thread winner!


Hiding them in hopes that my neighbors don't come in and steal them.