How many is too many

How many watches in a collection

126 votes ·



No idea

A few in rotation, but been wearing one for yonks.

I'm very erratic.



I own 20 or so but realistically I think I wear 8 through a month. Most of the others were gifts or otherwise not worth enough money to make selling them worthwhile.


I have 30 I enjoy wearing and a few more I can do without


I feel like 8-10 is enough. I don’t want any watches that I don’t wear all the time. And if there are more watches then days in a week, all watches won’t even be worn every weak. The only excuse IMO is if you have got several watches from a relative.




I don't believe there is too many. If you can afford them a nd you wear them, there is no such thing as too many


I've settled on five. All Seiko divers. Any more than that would be a burden. I don't NEED any. Five's okay but I definitely have two favourites. Maybe in a few years there will only be three. 🙄


Who cares

I like French fries


Any more than one is too many. That won’t stop me from collecting.


Exactly two more than however many I have at any given time.


Reaching 100 and 35 in the wishlist, being single, no arguments...