Watch Fact

Did you know... In most advertisements and watch displays, the watch's hands are set to the time, 10:10?Marketing experts believe that people are more likely to buy these watches because that time resembles a smiling face. Honestly, the idea of a watch perpetually smiling at you is brilliant creepy, but… Whatever helps move units!


I thought it was to show the brand name?


aka "happy hands". Many have noted that they've started moving this a few minutes past for some reason.


Smiling at me? Clowns smile at me too. Ever since Poltergeist, they also freak me out 😬. I prefer to think they want us to know the brand/logo. 😉


As a marketing expert, I must disappoint you, but this has never been the reason for photos with hands at 10:10. The reason was to see the logo (as a marketing communication tool) in the top half and the description in the bottom half + the date. :) fun fact: some mobile phone manufacturers use 10:10 even on mobile phone photos. :D


Always thought it was to showcase the brand logo.