Congrats Poll Takers, It's Zulu Time!

First things first, I want to thank all of the Crunchers who took my poll.  The top two choices were the Avigation Big Eye with the blue dial and the Zulu Time with the green bezel.  Now I already have the all black Zulu Time, so my initial inclination was to go for the Big Eye.

As this post shows, first inclinations never make it out of editing.  In fact, I wasn't even planning on getting a watch today when the week began.  That changed with a friendly call from my AD on Wednesday.

"We've got the goods if you've got the cash." 

At first I didn't want to make the hour drive to check out the watch.  However, I decided to have a meeting with myself to discuss the options.  The meeting notes were as follows:

  • They had a Big Eye so I could directly compare the two from the poll.  
  • They have the Omega and Tudor watches that I can't decide between also.  They same ones I've looked at 10 times in store and can't decide what to get.
  • I could try on more watches and the AD won't be annoyed with me because a sale is guaranteed.  I can go wild.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand.  It was decided in the meeting to take the 1 hour drive to look at watches.  A sacrifice I was willing to take on for the sake of research. 

I strapped on my new pocket watch and hit the road.  Once I arrived (right at opening of course) it was a fairly straight forward thing.  Head to head, side by side, wrist on wrist... Ahem;  The Zulu Time was clearly the pick.  Along with a G-Shock because watches are one hell of a drug.  That however, is a story for another time. 🐼




That's a truly gorgeous watch! Looks great with the tats.


Great watch! Congrats it is a stunner 


I am looking at the blue one as my top, everyday watch. Looks fantastic!


Lovely watch, while travelling recently in the duty free shop I spotted a Big Eye and made the mistake of trying it on. Bugger then took the CC out and paid for it. 🤣