Professional timegrapher vs free app

I saw @neloms wondering about the free timegrapher app vs a professional grade timegrapher (in this case a Witschi Chronomaster Pro) and decided to test the app out.

The timegrapher is on the left (white background) and the app is the right (tan background). I didn't get the paid version of the app so I don't have all the metrics but after the rate stabilized, it was pretty close. I was actually impressed with how close it was, though, it took a while for it to acquire the signal and the noise boosting the app features makes it very vulnerable to external sounds which can destabilize your readings. If you're able to get a clear pickup, I can see this being within a few seconds of accurate. I wouldn't complain to a manufacturer about a watch being off with this app but it seems reliable enough to get an overall idea - at least for dial up/down positions, would probably be fussy to use with the vertical positions.

This was only 1 watch, so not tons of data but performed better than I expected (once I closed the door in a small quiet room).


Very interesting; would be nice to see a few more data points (watches tested) with which to compare.



I almost bought a timegrapher to do this myself.


Thanks for checking! I’m not going to fuss over it too much, just fun to nerd out. 🤓


Based on my own tests the spd rate is indeed pretty close, but amplitude and beat error being mostly experimental on the app.

FWIW my "best fit line" by eye for the app's blue data points is a bit steeper than the orange one it's generated automatically. That would make the app and timegrapher pretty much identical.

I still think that amplitude is one of the most useful readouts and essential when assessing a vintage watch before purchase.


The timegrapher has a better clamp and microphone also being able to check in all 6 positions accurately. The app is hit or miss and prone to pick up background noises. You have to be quiet using a timegrapher also though.


I don't know if I'll trust it. I posted something about this the other day as well. It showed my Hellcat plus 30 seconds a day. I beg to differ. I haven't noticed that at all. I'm sure it was user error. Trying to keep it still and quiet isn't easy when it wasn't made for that purpose.


I don't know if I'll trust it. I posted something about this the other day as well. It showed my Hellcat plus 30 seconds a day. I beg to differ. I haven't noticed that at all. I'm sure it was user error. Trying to keep it still and quiet isn't easy when it wasn't made for that purpose.

Yeah, it took a while for me to get a clean reading. I almost gave up but quiet room with the crown unscrewed and pushed against the bottom of my phone is what ended up working best