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If it wuz a zomboid Aporklips wut direkshun wood you go with only one WarTch???

15 votes ·

Wut iz you're faverit shaype case for a ristwartch

80 votes ·

Yes or No

69 votes ·

Recent Comments

commented on Davosa ·

Good established brand and a good value. lots of info online.

I love my Aeronautic.

commented on [NWA] Revisiting The 70s With Armitron ·

Griffy's of the world unite!!!!

commented on I'm stressed about choosing between these 3!!! ·

The chrono gives the the best bang for the buck.

commented on Snobby Watch sellers…. Stick it ·

I prefer to be ignored at an AD until I decide I need help. Nothing irks me more than an irritatingly aggressive salesperson. I'm no fashionista but once I decide to initiate a conversation the sales people are generally helpful.

commented on On the fence…… ·

If you don't like it,you don't like it.

Time to move on.

And yeah-it is kind of ho-hum looking. And a splash of color doesn't help.

commented on I'm a big fan of 1960s movies. ·

AI generated??

commented on I asked ChatGPT to write an ode to my Rolex Explorer and Smith Corona ·

AI writings would be a guaranteed winner if entered into Bad prose/poetry contests. Not human could ever match such drivel. Same with AI watch designs.

Heavy on the "A" but seriously lacking in the "I" department.

More posts

Off watch topic.

Has anyone else noticed an unusual uptick of the use of the archaic word "whilst" in a lot of posts in the past year or so? Do people really use this...

I caved

Although there is a glaring fault with my recenly arrived Spaghetti Scameti I'm gonna keep it anyway.

Since the World Series starts today.....

I'll be wearing this 1990's Hamilton reproduction of the Piping Rock model given to the NY Yankees for being the 1928 champs. True to the original at...

WTF is all this "Journey" crap???

I've had watches since the early 60's and never been on a journey. WTF is up with all this "journey " stuff?? They're watches plain and simple and you...

Happy Thanksgiving


Take that COSC!!

Timex/Todd Snyder

I'm a big Timex fan,mostly due to the fact that it's the brand that started me in this madness nearly 60 years ago. I get a kick out of the nostalgia...