Omega have homaged Spaghetti Scameti

Is nothing sacred anymore? Not content with ripping off every Rolex design, now Omega have cloned our Ben's Spaghetti Scameti iCon!


This is more than just a homage, it's practically a 1:1 clone with only the brand name changed and a date complication added.

Quite frankly, I'm appalled! When will this madness end?



I am shocked, I did a quick search on amazon and look what I found. Almost identical !


But the question is: Have these brands eliminated the middleman? I don't think so...


Comment no 5! 😂


OMG. Holzern are doing it now too!


The brand name is Holzkern, which literally means "kernel of wood" in German, though it looks more like a German surname (though I do not think there exists such a surname). "Holzern" should be "Hölzern" and it would mean "wooden" in German.


Shit, the Swatch group is the reason why we can't have nice thing.

Next we will have people queuing in lines to buy plastic Scameti collabs.