Got 2 badges today -sort of

Today I was surprised with not one, but two new badges. I didn’t know they existed until today. I got my ”wristy120” AND ”wristy180” badges. They are very secret kind of badges. I still don’t know what they look like.


I assume I broke the finish line for 180days today. So I did it with my 62MAS.


Edit: They are not secret anymore. Blue and green👍


Hey, I received them too.

I just want to thank my family who has supported me throughout this process, my friends here on WC who have inspired me to keep posting daily pictures of my boring watches, @Max for all that he does (seriously, what does he do?), to you, @YourIntruder, for making the WRUW feed a classier place.


Hey, I received them too.

I just want to thank my family who has supported me throughout this process, my friends here on WC who have inspired me to keep posting daily pictures of my boring watches, @Max for all that he does (seriously, what does he do?), to you, @YourIntruder, for making the WRUW feed a classier place.

Congrats and thank you! We are all creating the daily viral, educational and classy #wruw flow, you included.


whoop whoop!


You guys are the glue that holds the WURW tab together, and for that i give uttermost thanks. 🫡🙏


Guess I missed day 109 start again 😢


Guess I missed day 109 start again 😢

Oh no, that’s a bummer. In the saddle again👍


Hey, I received them too.

I just want to thank my family who has supported me throughout this process, my friends here on WC who have inspired me to keep posting daily pictures of my boring watches, @Max for all that he does (seriously, what does he do?), to you, @YourIntruder, for making the WRUW feed a classier place.

and play the music...