Blancpain x Swatch Collab

Who’s getting one on 9/9?




The black one looks nice, but I very much doubt that I'll be buying one of those!


Depends. Will I have to stand outside in the heat for hours with the rest of the unwashed hordes? Only to be told the store was alotted 12 and all in the most hideous configurations? No seriously, is this a real thing?


I'm not that rich! The green ones are nice though, even if they appear to have the straps mismatched. Way too many different typefaces on that dial though. Looks like a Victorian newspaper ad.


Mission to Uranus was at least funny...


More Swatch than Blancpain. Would rather buy a San Martin.


I'm probably sounding like a broken record on here, but no one knows what they ACTUALLY look like afaik. Everything right now is educated guesses and renderings, unless that has changed.

Peeps are already vibing and saying they like specifics, what's gonna happen when it's not close? (Other than saving the disappointed person dinero) 🤪😊💩


I can't get one without traveling 8 hours minimum. But luckily, don't want one.


Not if that’s the final design.


id rather use the money to help finance for a secondhand 50F or even a brand new one.

i know they mean well for us enthusiasts but i fear its going to be the same with the last one; at least, more to the hobby i guess?




o thank you I think I will keep mine as is..