Am I the only one doing this?!

They say the older you get, the funnier you become in your ways. Well I can honestly say that definitely applies to me. 
I have 19 watches in my collection and choosing which one to wear each day sends me in a spin. Two will only ever get worn on certain occasions - my Dads gold watch from the 60s on super special occasions, and my Timex Expedition when I go on a hike. That leaves 17 that, depending on the strap I use for each, I can pretty much use any day, work or play. 
Watches in my mind are meant to be worn so if I just picked a favourite every day I would end up wearing the same couple all the time, giving no wrist time to those that do not necessarily take my fancy when I’m half asleep in the morning.

So to overcome this I’ve downloaded an app that spins a ball with a number on. Whichever number pops up is the slot I take the watch from for that day. 
As I write this I can’t believe how unbelievably sad or mad I am, but there you go, that’s what age does to you.….or is it just me?
Surely I can’t be the only one to have some bizarre method of choosing their wrist attire for the day???!!!! 🙄🤔🤪


I just have the internal calculus of what formality, color, size, and toughness best aligns with my plans for the day, tempered with the guilt about the ones that haven't seen wrist time for a while. That and generally excluding whatever was worn the day before.

Is anyone else thinking of Cher's outfit selector from Clueless?


It is kind of sad to say, but certain watches with date complications without a quickset only get worn every thirty days or so.


I just have the internal calculus of what formality, color, size, and toughness best aligns with my plans for the day, tempered with the guilt about the ones that haven't seen wrist time for a while. That and generally excluding whatever was worn the day before.

Is anyone else thinking of Cher's outfit selector from Clueless?

Don’t give me ideas on another way to check…..if I have to start looking at shirts, trousers, etc. I’ll never get out of the bedroom 😂😂😂😂


Most are in cases. But the ones that are in heavy rotation, I leave scattered around the house much to the chagrin of my spouse (drives her mad). Then, when I'm leaving, as I spot one, I grab it and put it on. 


I wear what arrives in the post, sometimes after shouting at it; they all comply in the end.


If I suspect it’s going to be a tough work day, I will grab one of my designated work watches.

Otherwise, I will sit and look at my watch box until one or another whispers in my ear in just the right way. 


I tend to stay up late, so often I'll decide late at night what to wear the following day. I'll usually wind and set it, and leave it in its favorite position overnight so it's ready to go in the morning.

Some days, I regret my decision and end up grabbing something else anyway.


I actually feel bad for the watches I'm not wearing, so do work hard to treat them all equally and give them all wrist time, so... you know... they don't get sad...

To this end I often change my watch twice a day.

I own my weirdness 


I actually feel bad for the watches I'm not wearing, so do work hard to treat them all equally and give them all wrist time, so... you know... they don't get sad...

To this end I often change my watch twice a day.

I own my weirdness 

We’re not weird, we’re unique 😇


The idea of using the app to randomise the pick of the day would actually make me more excited to wake up every morning. Very fun and original! 😀


I actually feel bad for the watches I'm not wearing, so do work hard to treat them all equally and give them all wrist time, so... you know... they don't get sad...

To this end I often change my watch twice a day.

I own my weirdness 

This weirdness is hard-wired into the human species.  It is animism, or genius loci, a foundational building block of all religious practice.  We naturally believe that places and things are imbued with a spirit of some sort.  It is reflected in the solemnity of the temple or cathedral, the reverence for a holy relic, or the feeling that one gets when walking into a sunlit clearing.  We talk to trees and stones and burbling brooks.  It is only the application of reason that takes us out of this natural state.

The Japanese have a term that means "tool spirit", tsukumogami.  Tool spirits are yet another curse of the vintage collector.


By means of an update…..I’ve also found you can ask Alexa for a number. “Alexa, give me a number between 1 & 24”……and it works 😂😂😂😂


I use another app. This one I can track the watches I use:

Here I can log my watch rotation and have "useful" statistics such as watches I use more/less, cost per wear, and my "watch calendar". All very important stuff! 😜


I use another app. This one I can track the watches I use:

Here I can log my watch rotation and have "useful" statistics such as watches I use more/less, cost per wear, and my "watch calendar". All very important stuff! 😜

Gosh…..that’s super detailed 😂