Does Size Really Matter

I do what I want, and encourage others to do the same. That said, I’m probably pushing it with this converted 1919 Hamilton pocket watch. Obviously comfort is important, but “fashion” concerns are a big who cares to me. Are you overly concerned with size?

Who is Flavor Flav?

Game recognize game.


Based on that illustration I have to say yes. Very nice dial👍

Who is Flavor Flav?

Game recognize game.

I was seriously going to make a Flava Flave reference…


There is a much, much wider range of wearable sizes than watch social media “influencers” push, IMHO.


I feel like my concern for watch dimensions is similar to how I’ve seen my preferences change in how a suit wears. Sure there are styles that come and go, but having something that is bespoke (or in the case of watches, is more considerate of my wrist size) looks more appealing to me.

Once upon a time, I would have owned a Grey Side of the Moon because I find the watch to be a freaking knockout. That said, I know I’d hate how it would sit on wrist leading to me to lament the purchase. 

Put it this way, I think fedoras are cool, but I know I’ll never ever own one since I look like a complete jackass when I put it on. I just hate how they look on me, haha. 

In the end, wear or own whatever you like. For me though, size does matter. 


I feel like my concern for watch dimensions is similar to how I’ve seen my preferences change in how a suit wears. Sure there are styles that come and go, but having something that is bespoke (or in the case of watches, is more considerate of my wrist size) looks more appealing to me.

Once upon a time, I would have owned a Grey Side of the Moon because I find the watch to be a freaking knockout. That said, I know I’d hate how it would sit on wrist leading to me to lament the purchase. 

Put it this way, I think fedoras are cool, but I know I’ll never ever own one since I look like a complete jackass when I put it on. I just hate how they look on me, haha. 

In the end, wear or own whatever you like. For me though, size does matter. 

I like what you have to say here. For me, it brings up an important distinction. There is what we find acceptable for ourselves, and what Is currently “in fashion”. I appreciate that you recognize what your preferences are and let them guide your buying/wearing decisions. It’s also important to recognize that what we find acceptable for ourselves can change over time just as fashions do. Because of this, I am extremely grateful for the current robust secondary market.


I like what you have to say here. For me, it brings up an important distinction. There is what we find acceptable for ourselves, and what Is currently “in fashion”. I appreciate that you recognize what your preferences are and let them guide your buying/wearing decisions. It’s also important to recognize that what we find acceptable for ourselves can change over time just as fashions do. Because of this, I am extremely grateful for the current robust secondary market.

You’re spot on here. I love that there are folks who think watches under 39mm are for women or kids. That lack of interest means less competition for vintage pieces that are diminutive by today’s trends. 


I found out when I gotten more serious about watches. I almost got the Lunar pilot watch realized was too big for me when I first tried it. I was a complete dooch bag! Sorry... myself personally yeah size matters you can wear the coolest outfit but the oversize watch will kill it. Trust me been there done that.


My saying as all ways been "wear what makes you happy".  Remember no matter what you wear or do someone is going to have difference in opinion. For me I used to wear my watches on the larger side. But I am gravitating towards more smaller size watches that fit better to my wrist. It looks great and enjoy it!!!


its about proportions and comfort imho

i dont expect someone with a 7.5”+ wrist size to rock <38mm pieces

nor do I expect someone with a 6” wrist wearing 45mm+ pieces comfortably

but at the end of the day everyone has their own threshold

personally i prefer to wear something slightly bigger more than i would wear something smaller for my size wrist