Birthday vibes and if you know... Well you know....

Nothing to say except I love my new Erebus and I'm loving this Atrium Saison... You see watches are my third passion... First is music, second is food and beer, specifically Belgian and German beer and then watches.... If you know Atrium then you know this is rarer then any Rolex, but thankfully doesn't cost as much. Cheers friends!


Happy birthday. Enjoy the watch and drink I'm good health. " Skoll "



Happy Birthday, brother! Enjoy the tasty brew and new Erebus! 👍


Happy birthday! I thought “if you know, you know” was about the Erebus!


Happy birthday, looks a good drop 🍺 (I will look that one up) enjoy the Erebus and cheers 🍻


The Origin looks study. Gives me Pelagos vibes.


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊


Hey me too! I'm 36 today. Cheers. And check out my birthday gift!


Happy Birthday and kanpai! Nice watch as well.


Happy birthday!!! Enjoy and salud 🍻🍻🍻


Happy Birthday


I'm only commenting about the beer. As a beer need that Saison is a top 15 (tradable) beer. So good!!!


Happy Birthday!🥳


Happy birthday 🎁