The romanticism of watches.

Pictured is the first mechanical watch I ever bought. At the time a little over $100, it was a logical transition from the fashion watches I used to don; relatively cheap and large (~43mm). For a long time afterwards I wondered what the next stepping stone was to replace it. I second guessed myself for not shelling out for the more iconic SKX007 that was still relatively cheap. Something in my as I’ve grown older has helped me appreciate it for what it is. My worldview has also changed to where I don’t care about other’s opinions of me or any of my stuff. This has resulted in me reaching more and more for this now valued piece in my collection. Please feel free to share your pieces that are inexplicably valuable to your collection and lives!


And what a good choice you made, Orient are a great company who make some great watches. You chose well John! Well done.


Other's opinions be damned! You made a great choice through and through John. I don't think it'll ever be possible to replace you first mechanical watch. I say keep it and service it forever




That is awesome! Older Orient are not easy to find so when I see them I get immediately excited! I have a soft spot for the brand because the Mako II was probably THE watch that got me into the world of watch collecting.


Other's opinions be damned! You made a great choice through and through John. I don't think it'll ever be possible to replace you first mechanical watch. I say keep it and service it forever

That’s the plan. 😁


Great mako xl!

Great tool watch I love mine…..


Great mako xl!

Great tool watch I love mine…..


Did you mod the hands?