
Johnny Kash
1 Following
1 month ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA
6.00โ€ / 15.24 cm Wrist
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Lorier Hyperion

Just arrived! Present to myself for passing my PPL Checkride! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hulk alternatives?

Anybody got any good green diver alternatives to the hulk? Need something thatโ€™s not a one for one copy clomage, but at the same time isnโ€™t a seiko SK...


Is this watch a โ€œClomageโ€ If so, of what watch?

Recent Comments

commented on Lorier Hyperion ยท

Itโ€™s pretty good.

Itโ€™s pretty easy for me to remove but getting it back on is hell, so I havenโ€™t experimented much with different straps. Like, unless I know that a certain strap will look perfect itโ€™s not worth the hell it will be to get the bracelet back on ๐Ÿ˜‚

commented on NWA! Lorier Hyperion GMT ยท

Itโ€™s loud lmao

commented on A Serica GMT in the sun, to go with my Serica diver. ยท

Itโ€™s gorgeous tbf.

commented on Sparking Joy ยท

I tried this challenge sort of.

But I just felt guilty that I wasnโ€™t wearing my other watches the whole week.

Also, most of my watches are just not versatile enough for a full week. Whether they be too dressy, or not durable enough. It was very hard to wear anything save my Cronos sub homage for more than a couple of days.

I think Iโ€™ve realized by now though that the moonswatches were only ever good marketing.

They are just such crap that I rarely ever wear them. Honestly glad I returned the Blancpain Sea of storms. Good looking watch, but a waste of money.

commented on NWA! Lorier Hyperion GMT ยท

I just received one as well!

Gorgeous piece!

commented on What comes first? ยท

What movement is the ocean guard utilizing?

commented on Collection is almost complete ยท

Ah, so there was a lot of work involved ๐Ÿ˜‚