I have become one of those people - bringing an extra watch for 5-day trip :)

Received a nice travel pouch from my daughter for Christmas; and now that we’re off to a five day trip I thought: let’s put it to use! In all honesty, not that long ago i thought it a bit…silly…to bring an extra watch on a trip. But falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole (and having received this nice pouch ofc) I am starting to see the point! One watch for the evenings (see pic above) and one for daytime outdoor activities:


You're still pretty safe until you bring more watches on the trip than there are days of the trip...


Old me would think this is silly, but actually that’s the only way I can bring one of the nicer watches on vacation, while also bringing a beater for beach/hiking or going to not completely safe places


I have a few of these laying around, they've come with watch purchases. That watch looks very at home in there.


That’s a nice case there! Your family is contributing to the addiction!😂


Just one? 😉


I sometimes do it too! I think you got to be prepared :)


You’re not alone


I just get one of my staff to meet me where ever I’m going with my Watch collection


I usually only bring one that stays on my wrist the whole time


I usually only bring one that stays on my wrist the whole time

For the longest time that indeed seemed to be normal behavior to me 🙃


The correct formula for the number of watches to bring with you when you travel, of course, is (n+1)-d, where n=the number of days away and d=the number of disapproving looks that your spouse/significant other gives you when seeing you packing 6 watches for a 5 day trip 😂



When I first read this I was thinking you were bringing 5 watches . I thought to myself that’s great. I’m not so crazy and alone after all. Nice gift from the daughter. Enjoy the trip


What do you mean those people? Aren't we all traveling with at least 3 watches?


I have travel cases for a single, triplet and quintuplet. I'll prob just always take 6 watches with me anywhere now 😂😂


Only one. You need to bring those numbers up.