I'm curious, how do you clean your watch?

My way is too basic, a cloth, water and soap


But does it work?

I bet it does. Same, except I have a bottle of this WristClean stuff for when I really care.


Everyday: T-Shirt and water

That one fancy day: ultra sonic cleaner, microfiber cloth, cleaning alcohol




Shower.  occasionally spit and tshirt 

Unless it's being sold, then it gets a thorough warm water & soft cloth bath.


My method is basically yours but I add a soft bristle detail brush from Cape Cod to get in the tiny crevices. Works great for in between the lugs and between the links in a bracelet.


Most of the time just my shirt or a wooden pick. Once in a while ultrasonic, one from Amazon isn’t that expensive and when you’re sending your watch off to a watchmaker they will love you for it