“1953 Rolex”. Acceptable or unacceptable?

The Rolex “6350 honeycomb” explorer… Ofcourse, as you can probably tell, this is not an original. A friend of mine made this watch to exactly resemble a vintage 1953 explorer, fully patinated but with modern specs for hard use.

AKA, a useable vintage clone.

Typically I am disgusted by “replica” watches, but I thought this was kind of cool given it’s a fully useable vintage style watch.

Either way, it’s on one of our straps. LOL.

14 votes ·

Your friend made a fake.


Don't know or care about original. This is fine.


I don't know what clomage watches are if what your friend made here is considered fake.


Your friend made a fake.



Don't know or care about original. This is fine.

I thought so too!


I don't know what clomage watches are if what your friend made here is considered fake.

What do you mean?