16.5 Cm Wrist: Watch Box Recommendation

Can anyone recommend a watch box whose pillows are small enough for bracelets that fit 16.5 Cm wrist. Do manufacturers offer multiple pillow sizes?


I searched forever and ended up buying pillows separately. You can pull the stuffing out so that they fit perfectly. Just make sure your pillows are the same width as the slots for whatever box you select.


I owned this one before I gave it to my little brother. It fit my watches and I have tiny little girly wrists.


I searched forever and ended up buying pillows separately. You can pull the stuffing out so that they fit perfectly. Just make sure your pillows are the same width as the slots for whatever box you select.

Same here. There are makers on Etsy who will produce them in any size/colour quite inexpensively.


Wolf/Analog Shift, Bosphorus, or the Windup Tool box would all fit. Most budget boxes are you get what you pay for. Rothwell or Affair And Square are probably the best boxes you’ll get under $100. Both should fit your bracelets just fine.


A DIY option: DECOHS has pick-apart foam for inserts on Amazon. I use the 12”x12”x1” thick pad to cut into about 2” wide strips and roll up my own “pillows” because I couldn’t find any smaller sizes either. Good luck


I have the cheap 24 slot boxes which come with hard pillows. I binned them and replaced them with soft cushions from AliX. They are flexible enough to fit my 7.5" and the Mrs smaller wrists.

Here's a link, I use small, pu, beige.

Etsy have some pretty ones here, much more expensive obviously.