Morning walk with my best buddy! This time with my black Duro. Enjoy your day and week ahead fellow Crunchers!

Looks like a beautiful morning Kostas. Enjoy


Looks like a beautiful morning Kostas. Enjoy

It is and I needed the fresh air before I start the day. Good morning John


I wish it was a bit smaller


I wish it was a bit smaller

They have actually a smaller watch which I call baby Duro. It has exactly the same specs:


They have actually a smaller watch which I call baby Duro. It has exactly the same specs:

Never seen this before. Thanks for sharing!


It is just the outdoor of your home? Very lucky


It is just the outdoor of your home? Very lucky

Thanks! It is just half km away from home. There is a big open rural area with fields spreading at the back of the neighbourhood. It is one of the main reasons we moved out from the big city so my daughter and ourselves can have a more human way of leaving.


The best time for walking! Great Shots.


The best time for walking! Great Shots.

Thank you very much!! 🙏


Beautiful sunrise! And a nice watch to go with it....


Beautiful sunrise! And a nice watch to go with it....

Thanks a lot for your kind comment 🙏


Incredible serenity in these troubling times. Enjoy!


Incredible serenity in these troubling times. Enjoy!

Thank you very much my friend 🙏


Wearing my best friend today as well 😉

Seriously though, 6:30 this morning in the dark walking my best friend……… what a way to wake up in the morning!! Enjoy


Beautiful surroundings, and watch is as well.

Hope you had a great day!



Wearing my best friend today as well 😉

Seriously though, 6:30 this morning in the dark walking my best friend……… what a way to wake up in the morning!! Enjoy

For me going for a walk that early in the morning is the only time I have just for myself! It cleans my mind and it is very refreshing. I am the only one in the family who likes to get up at 6am so I might as well enjoy it 😀. Happy to see other people liking it too 🤝


Beautiful surroundings, and watch is as well.

Hope you had a great day!


Thank you very much Raymond. The day was busy but when I get the chance to start it like this it makes a difference! Enjoy your day too!!