The Seiko 140th Anniversary Sharp Edge Presage GMT Limited Edition

This is a great looking watch I love the hemp textured dial and the fact it is a Traveller GMT... HOWEVER the bezel is misaligned... I can look over the issue because it's a great watch but I think Seiko can do just a little bit better esp at this price... What do you think? 


I agree also I’m partial…



I was going to say I could take this at like $300, but that’s not true. It’s a simple matter of applying the bezel insert properly and can’t possibly affect price enough to skimp on it. There’s just no excuse. 


You know what we think 


Great watch, great dial, but gotta get the Bez fixed. My brain would overload staring at that all day. 


That date layout of the subdial also gives me hives... 


Reports of that are what stopped me from picking it up.  Outside of Seiko’s absurd QC issues, it’s a heck of a lot of watch for the money.


That is a LOVELY watch! And that dial design- outstanding! I'm not sure I could live with the bezel being misaligned, and to be honest, I couldn't really tell from that photo? Regardless of price point, every watch SHOULD be 100% correct. But, outside of you, who else will notice the misalignment? If it's something you'll think of, obsess over, every time you wear it- I'd get it replaced/fixed. Otherwise...? I'd keep it. 

I'm not a huge fan of power gauges, and that date complication. Sort of cool, but they both mar what would otherwise be very cool dial. 


Yeah this comment is a bit late but anyway ahah

I have the same model and the same problem with the bezel being misaligned.

It still bothers me everyday… I sent it back to the store I bought it and they were able to put it a bit more centered but still not perfect…

Now I just look at it and think “Well it’s not aligned but at least the bezel was aligned by someone… so it’s kinda “handmade” ahah and it surely can also add some character being one of a kind in a million different Seiko watches produced every year…so it makes it special 🙂 “ ( in the mean time my reaction inside is ;-; ) ahahah