Facebook Marketplace

Would you purchase expensive watches from Facebook Marketplace?

81 votes ·

If they were willing to meet me at a watchmaker who could authenticate, sure. Bonus points if it's a good deal.


If they were willing to meet me at a watchmaker who could authenticate, sure. Bonus points if it's a good deal.

Yeah, I'd do that too.


Seen too many obvious fakes on there


If they were willing to meet me at a watchmaker who could authenticate, sure. Bonus points if it's a good deal.

I knew a manager at a famous luxury watch store obviously I asked tell me the craziest story. I was hoping for some guy to bring an antique watch to get service. Nop two guys went to authenticate a watch, it turned out it was a real watch both went to the parking lot to exchange the money. The seller said let me get the papers and the box for the watch and swapped the watch with a replica. So the seller kept the watch and the money both met in a facebook group.

Moral of the story. You think you can outsmart a scammer but they have plan A,B and...Z.


Yes, have done multiple times, tho depends on what you consider expensive?! I've done maybe half a dozen trades, up to around £1200 value. Had no problems. Used a couple of FB groups. Bit of a risk & a lot of trust but I've not been bitten yet, & got some great bargains!


Moda is also a Facebook group I would trust through a vetted seller. I know a lot dealers reference this group to ball park offers.