Proud of my little work

Isn’t that beautiful?

This is actually the first strap homemade that I think that is on par with commercial ones, maybe even better because I used only Badalassi Pueblo leather.

Leather of this type is used only for premium items and making the strap by myself is so much cheaper but with the same quality and with the added bonus of the proudness that derive from the fact that I made it!


I’d love to sell some of those but I think that actually I’m not so good, one in 10 turn out like this.


Looks pretty good. Keep at it, before you know it 5/10 will turn out…. Then 8/10… you get my drift. Even big manufacturers have a margin of error. There’s always a market for premium items with some defects. In fact, especially with hand crafted products what you see as a defect someone else might see as character. A reminder that this wasn’t stamped out with a million others on a production line.


Looks pretty good. Keep at it, before you know it 5/10 will turn out…. Then 8/10… you get my drift. Even big manufacturers have a margin of error. There’s always a market for premium items with some defects. In fact, especially with hand crafted products what you see as a defect someone else might see as character. A reminder that this wasn’t stamped out with a million others on a production line.

Maybe one day I will post other creations for sales. I don’t know the policy of watch crunch about selling things


Pretty cool


Good work, I love making straps
