Anyone own a Detroit Mint?

I’ve been interested in a panda chrono for a while, but until now I’d yet to see one that grabs me by my cheeks and says “kiss me you fool” when I look at it. I really like this watch. I really like this watch despite the fact that it has a cotton-pickin’ cobra on the dial. This watch is, in the words of Mr. Rooney’s assistant Grace, a righteous dude.

But is it any good? Does anyone here have experience with Detroit Mint watches? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience. Thanks in advance!


The cobra is kinda cool though. I haven't heard of the brand, but it's a good looking watch.


The cobra is kinda cool though. I haven't heard of the brand, but it's a good looking watch.

Right? Putting a cobra on something usually ends up looking corny at best and like an ‘80s reject at worse, but it works here.


Well, with your bad knee, Ed, you shouldn’t throw anybody!

It’s true!

(Sorry. Absolutely could not resist.)


These are amazing watches! Sleeper brand, Seems to be off most peoples radar. I'm Hooked! First off, They are amazing looking! The build quality is top notch and all assembled in Detroit Michigan by a guy named Dave. Well he's got a little help at this point, but Dave built this one.


Just posted one of mine, I've got 2 Detroit mint watches. Love them both.