
Lee Evans
1 Following
2 weeks ago
Tamworth, UK
Gas Engineer
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commented on Help me choose which watch to buy! ยท

I own the BB58 and also have quiet a few other divers and the way the BB58 wears on my 7 inch wrist is just perfect !!! that been said I do love the look of the new Monochrome black bay, but for me Iโ€™ll wait and see what happens to the 58 line up in the future, hopefully Tudor will do a 58 mono ๐Ÿคž my advice would be to try both on at a local AD ๐Ÿ’ฏ best of luck ๐Ÿ€

commented on To leave the scratch or not to leave the scratch? ยท

I have a BB58 and it looks like itโ€™s been through the wars, but I love it and it gives the watch character ๐Ÿ’ฏ