I finally pulled the trigger

I finally pulled the trigger. 43.5 mm Lunar Pilot. First impressions are really positive. I could watch the 1/10th second dial all day. I'm not sure I wouldn't prefer a brushed coating on the case, but I think it's a win!


Congrats! I pulled the trigger as well. 🚀

Is it just me or it gets more beautiful the more you look at it? Oh, and comparing to my other watches in the similar price point (or even higher), I think it looks more expensive than it is!


Awesome man, congratulations!


Congrats! It's a great looking watch with a cool back story. The multi-depth dial is visually interesting and the movement is super smooth.


Congratulations on buying an amazing watch!


Congratulations! I also got one recently!


I have the original slightly bigger one. It's the best watch I have, but don't tell my Hamilton KFM that....




Congratulations! That's a phenomenal watch.


That's very cool


So much watch for the money, congrats!!


I’ve been thinking of getting one of the 43.5 mm lunar pilots myself. But just like you said, the only thing holding me back is the polished case and bracelet. I am much more of a brushed case guy myself.


Awesome watch, here's mine on a Komfit


Great watch.

I think everyone who posts a picture of the Lunar Pilot has to mention their wrist size. 😎


Cool watch, man. Congratulation!


Congrats, that's a beaut. Every time I wear it I catch myself staring at the raised crystal. It's such a unique aspect of the watch and makes it one of my favorites to wear!