Non-Display Storage

I keep a 3 watch rotation in the display storage in my main EDC valet near my entry door. Aside from the 3 I keep there that are display-worthy, I have 4 or 5 beaters that I've just been keeping loose in a drawer. What do y'all use as bulk storage for watches that you don't want to display and also don't want an overbuilt hard case for? Most of the watch storage options I find out there are centered around protecting nice watches. I was thinking of a roll but those only hold like 2 or 3 and are really made for travel as far as I can tell. Just looking for options that I may have overlooked.


Amazon and etsy are filled with cheap low profile solutions. You can also grab a bunch of inexpensive pouches and store in any box or drawer. 


Pouches are a good idea. I just use a couple of cheaper ($48) watch boxes that are really nice. They are probably larger than you need, but you can get smaller versions than I got.


I use cigar boxes but spending the bucks for a kitchen drawer organizer will keep things separated.


I only have five working watches, of which two are beaters, so I just line them up on the dresser.  My wife has to move them when she dusts.  (No, I’m not a chauvinist, I do the vacuuming.)


I use watch boxes from Amazon. 

Want to build a custom one myself at some point


Try socks with markings on them or hang them on hooks like I go. They are just tools after all.


My first watch box was less than $35 on amazon. Holds12 watches and has a drawer for straps and other jewelry. How can you beat that for a budget bulk storage option.


If buying a cheap box is over the top - maybe just a nice wood utensil tray to slip into the drawer so when you put your watches in they aren’t just knocking about 👌


I think I may have found what I am looking for from a seller called Case Club on Amazon. $25, no frills, no money spent on faux elegance.
