Marking time of specific life events. Hoping to gain some great information from the wrist watch enthusiasts.

Hello all. I don't really collect watches. I just keep watches that commemorate important life events. A handwind Seiko from 1968 given to me by my grandfather the first time I achieved straight A's in my report card. A Seiko digital when I graduated from highschool (1978). A Seiko thin quartz when I graduated from university (1983). A Tissot Seastar automatic from my wife's grandfather as a wedding gift (1990) and a pocket watch from my great grandfather handed down by my father. Now I enter the watch hobby looking for a watch to commemorate my retirement. Hoping to gain some valuable advice from the community here.

To scratch an immediate itch to get anything, I've managed to get a few Casio's where the prices fell under my wife's radar.


Thanks for the friendly welcomes and comments, everybody!


Welcome! You’ll certainly get a lot of inspiration here. 😊


Love the digital! My brother had a gold one of that model that I envied. Cursed!


Love that digital Seiko!




Welcome @bekentech!


Welcome! I think a lot of us (myself included) have more of a ‘collection of watches’ rather than a watch collection. You’ll sometimes see folks slowing down or consolidating into two or three watches too.

If it’s for a retirement, I’d take as much time as you like scrolling through here and getting a sense of what appeals to you. Then the important part, get trying as much on as you can once you’ve narrowed it down a little. Congratulations on your retirement!


Welcome Ken! Great stories behind each of those watches, and got to love the new acquisitions too!


Welcome! I think a lot of us (myself included) have more of a ‘collection of watches’ rather than a watch collection. You’ll sometimes see folks slowing down or consolidating into two or three watches too.

If it’s for a retirement, I’d take as much time as you like scrolling through here and getting a sense of what appeals to you. Then the important part, get trying as much on as you can once you’ve narrowed it down a little. Congratulations on your retirement!

Thanks you for the great advice. I'm looking for where, in WatchCrunch, to document my journey. There is a lot going on in my life right now and at each event, my search criteria changes a bit. Everything from budget to type of watch.




Welcome, and for not being much of a collector, great collection! 😀



Welcome! I wish more of my watches had meaning like yours 🥲




Oooooh that pocket watch though. 😍 Welcome!


Oooooh that pocket watch though. 😍 Welcome!

Thanks. It was my great grandfather's watch when he came to Canada, handed down to my dad (my dad's father died in the Japanese occupation of China), and then to me. I will pass it down to my next generation.


Welcome to the community, Ken!!


Welcome to the community, Ken!!






Welcome to WC


Welcome home 🌞👍