New Feature Alert!

Hey everyone, we just launched a news section where you can get the latest news and stories from leading watch publications and discuss with your fellow crunchers.

Check it out here:  

Let us know your thoughts and if there are any other publications you'd like to see on here 👍

*Also recently added, check out the "gallery" tab in your profile, it's a collection of all your WRUW shots.



With this feature, I will only ever need one URL for the rest of my life!

Me, from now on, 24/7...

Internet South Park GIF - Internet South Park S20E4 - Discover & Share GIFs


Can we please add a Longines badge while we’re upgrading? Tons of other names on the list that aren’t needed and missing one of the most sold brands in the world. 



With this feature, I will only ever need one URL for the rest of my life!

Me, from now on, 24/7...

Internet South Park GIF - Internet South Park S20E4 - Discover & Share GIFs

I thought this was your bio pic anyway …


Great job WatchCrunch! Most of your releases are on point - can’t wait for the mobile app


I have heard it said that "No news is good news."  Can we please have a little good news unlike other news sources with their fake news, bias reporting and shoddy fact checking.


Great addition, thanks! On mobile I like the size and readability of the snippets a lot, way better than WatchVille, and great to keep a lot of this contained to one platform. 


I like it. Period.


My gallery looking a bit samey at the moment 🙄


You have included Monochrome! Yeah! Big fan!! 


Will you feature some of the smaller review/news sites, like Watchclicker and TBWS?


Very cool!





Righton!!! Kinda diggin it around here....


great feature! how do you pick the sites? Only big names like Hodinkee and the like? Can I shamelessly (because I write for them) request you include


Great addition!