Christopherward customer service

So like with many of you here, over the past two years christopherward has started to become the darling of the community. Here, reddit and youtube is full of nothing bit praise, and from what I can tell they have pretty good finishing for the price

However, over the past month I've seen the off jab thrown their way, as well as mixed reports about their customer service. What are your experiences with their watches and especially their CS?


I had no issues dealing with CW CS when I had an issue with one of my watches. It was a couple of years ago, and CW has become far more popular since then.

I have 5 CWs, and have zero quality complaints about them. They offer a higher standard of finishing when compared to similarly priced watches.


I've had no dealings with CW customer service. Watch received in 2 days without issue. 🤷


I am a big fan of CW. I own three. The only observation I have about their customer service was when I had a question before I bought a watch. It took them about 5-6 days to respond to me, so they may be a little longer to respond, but when they do it is good service. I have heard that because of their strong growth the last year or two, they are catching up with their customer service staffing.


I was absolutely gutted by Christopher Ward. I ordered one of their exclusive pieces IN was a preorder scheduled for delivery mid July. Three days later, my order was rescheduled for delivery late July. I talked to them and let them know it was a gift and early August was the latest I could accept it. About a month after the order, they contacted me again and said the order would be delayed till mid September due to parts being faulty. This is not the Twelve or the Bel Canto. This is a $3000 watch (after tax) that required full payment up front though..... I told them this was unacceptable. Was offered a 10% discount. I declined, cancelled my order, and about a week later got my money back. I then had to jump through multiple hoops to sort the gift for that special person. Lo and behold, that watch is still in preorder. Now for late October......yeah don't hold your breath. It would seem CW has gotten a bit big for their britches and is over promising what they can actually deliver. I hope they do well, and I hope everyone loves the watches they get from them. It is an absolute NOPE from me though!


The watches are great, love my C65 Trident GMT. Haven't had to deal with customer service much, but I did message one time to ask a few questions about my watch (it has the Pepsi bezel, and I never see it mentioned an the website, wanted to know if it was a limited run. It was not.), and they got back to me withing the time frame they say, answered my questions, and replied to my reply. So no issues there at least. CS is probably going thru some growing pains as the company becomes bigger and more well known.


I returned a Sealander GMT because the GMT hand was out of synch. Got my money back easily enough.


I have 3 CW’s and they are all great I’ve no complaints whatsoever.

My experience of their customer service was also great. The green canvas strap I got for my Sealander started fraying a little at the buckle holes. I sent a photo to CW who emailed back to say this was normal for this type of strap but they would replace it with any same cost strap of my choice. IMO this was perfect customer service.


I have 4 CW watches and I have had no problems with the customer service.