Phoenix Watches

Does this watch brand still exist? If so, can someone drop the URL in the comments?

This picture is from an EBay listing. It lists it as a "vintage" watch, just by the looks of it, maybe mid-late 1980s? Or am I way off base?

I saw a reel on Instagram about this barrista making a huge ice cream cone for a customer, and the person filming him zooms in on his wrist, and you can see his watch clearly. It is a black dial with minimal markings, and it has the same logo as this watch, except that where the 12 should be, there is actually a little, yellowish-orange phoenix.

At any rate, I was just curious. And my mom saw it, and she was curious, too. So anything you can tell me about this watch company would be sincerely appreciated.


Great vintage look!


I wonder if Greg would know? @Aurelian


I took a screenshot from the video:

@Aurelian @Whitesalmon @Pallet_Fork


That lettering is the key. I have found nothing but abandoned trademark applications. The Phoenix name was used frequently a hundred years ago, but I doubt that there is any connection. It may be a private label of a clothing manufacturer.