Galli S2 Timex first $1,000 watch

This was inspired by another comment, but it looks like Timex is trying to move from very low priced, to the next tier. However, is the quality going to meet that price level (i.e. better movements, and what other higher priced tiers and micro brands offer their audience. I noticed the Galli S2 is no longer on their website. Do you know what happened? I'm wondering if they shelved it due to quality control issues. In the past if it is sold out, it will say so and oddly enough if you google the Galli S2 they are still available but if you go directly to the site, it is no where to be found. Hmmmm. Very interesting. FYI, Although I'm the Timex Badger and have my own mini Timex Museum in my house, I'm pretty turned off by the way they are making money from their Rewound program. Very tacky in my opinion and does not show any real appreciation for their customers loyalty. I may have to sell my large collection and become another type of Badger. lol


I saw it earlier today, but I had to go through the sub-menu and filters. It wasn't showing on a landing page, though.


I couldn't remember what combo of settings I used but you can still search for it directly.


I couldn't remember what combo of settings I used but you can still search for it directly.


o.k. Cool, so it's still there. This will be my grail when I retire in a year or two, so hopefully it's still there.


lol. I practically bought every Timex ever made. lol. I fell for this watch hard since I've seen it so this will be my Swan Song as far as collecting goes.


o.k. Cool, so it's still there. This will be my grail when I retire in a year or two, so hopefully it's still there.

Just make sure to post pics when you get it!

Congrats on the short time! I can't wait till I get there.


I also am not a fan of how they are doing the "Rewound" program.


I like the look of the watch. If QC is up to par for a £1000 watch I could be tempted. Grand Timex has a ring to it.