🚨 ⚠️ 🚨 ⚠️ Grail NWA 🚨⚠️🚨⚠️

So Ive been in love with the dw-5900 forever. Ever since my dad bought me my first dw-6900 and I saw him as I grew up with his dw-5600. This odd ball ugly duck. And then behold my chagrin when I watched the mad watch collector to find out they were discontinuing the line. I kept hope one day of finding one. In a vibrant color way if I was lucky. Never talking about it cost to my father for he is the one I talk watches most with. @jiveturkey , the man I'm talking about, was at a loss when I brought up the dw-5900. Which was cool cuz then I could talk to him about it and feel like I was adding to his watch knowledge as is a part of this hobby. So the watch in my mind became MY watch. Something to lust after late at night at work and always have an ear out and a eye trained for a chance to snag one. So when I came across this price in front of you in a second hand luxury site from a private sellar at the price of $65 I was a little hesitant is an understatement. The colorways screams at me that this could be the way into my SO's heart and my hobby. But nah, it's too good to be true. How long has this been listed? Less than two hours? For sure it's a China clone my mind screams. I fiddle with the modified dw-6900 on jays and Kay's lug adapters and a Bond nylon strap on my wrist in defiance. Surely I can wait. For I'd rather lose out on this Grail that could unite me and my girl rather than be out some money, surely, correct??


And yet as I sat at work miffed at the gnawing realization that Ive taken more chances on even less in my least impulsive of days as a former addict, that who was I NOT to gamble?? No. I still can't. What would she say if I hyped it up and then come to find out I was had?? But but...$65 plus SnH deems I at the very least look into what this secondhand sites return policy is? Doesn't it??


And wouldnt you know it!! The site holds your payment in some form of consumer limbo until whatttt???!?! Till I receive and ok the package? ?? I bite my fingers, nails running out as fast as excuses not to jump on this deal. Hmmph I sit down firmer into my chair and tell myself, "self, if it's still there after you get a couple modules for class done, then we can contact the seller". The issuing command went to the rest of my brain and we got hard at work to accomplish fears of learning to push the struggle of becoming overran by FOMO untill it was all I could do but remember I had other duties to accomplish on shift. Tasks at hand, I tick along to completion all things due in that hour, before the hour.

So yes, liked and looked into the advert and scoured the pics provided. In one background what was to be seen was a blurry toothbrush and a sink. So hope was found that this was just someone mad at an ex, or what have you, and unloading.

Fast-forward. I forgot about it until today I get a message in my email saying my package arrived and would I please accept it, online so the seller could receive their due. My heart jumps. I'm out with the aforementioned SO and don't want to cut our time short just to get back to a China clone. So I wait. So I find a second hand Samsung Galaxy Smart watch and ask the SO if she likes it; it won't work w her iPhone. Rats. I ask her to try on my modified ga-b2100 I'm wearing this day with her. She says no, I'm being silly, and it's the thought that counts, but its that the Samsung didn't pan out, she can wait until the time comes she knows I'll have researched and found a watch suitable for her, but watches were my thing, so why so busy body with it today? She wonders, questions written on her face so easily read no backlight needed. I spend the day with her. Fast forward: get home. Rip open a package. Nice note from the seller quickly read. And now I have the new acquisition in my hands. Man is she pretty. I swallow a lump in my throat. I cycle through the modes on my ga-b2100 to get a feel for the beeps and their timbre. I proceed to do the same with the dw-5900. And am shocked when they sound the same. Only means one thing. Time to put some Gshock into this would be Gshock to see if or if not, it do be a Gshock. Little toss to the hard wood floor. Pick it up, cycle through the beeps. Hmm. Toss it to the ceiling this time. THUD. beep cycle? Yes??!!! With a grim determination I chuck it to the floor as if it had just burst forth with spiderlings, partially hoping it would not burst forth into a few dozen knock-off parts and pieces. I pick it up. Nothing. All pieces as they should be, and it cycles and beeps as it should. Only onething left to do, tell this story to my lovely SO as I give her her first foray into this hobby, and then tell the boys on watch crunch of course 😉

TLDR; Grail watch turns out to be Grail watch, gifted to girlfriend as the only way this watch nerd knows how to show he loves her.


Cool colorway. Kind of an alien/supernatural vibe.


Cool colorway. Kind of an alien/supernatural vibe.

Very much so. Something retro futuristic for sure

