All things horological

This is the clock in the chapel tower of the institution I work for. It’s fully mechanical and is powered by a box of stones that gradually falls down the tower shaft. Every week the box has to be wound back to the top by a hand winch. The mechanics are a work of art. I’ve been inside but don’t have a photo. Anyone else have a vintage clock they enjoy seeing each day? 


A box of f*cking stones?  This is now my new favorite thing, so much better than just one big stone.

I don't see it often, but I live near this building/clock which was built in 1911 and was the tallest building in Baltimore at the time.


I don't know anything about how it works, but here's an internet picture of the inside (sadly no rocks in sight).


Not quite as impressive, but this is the last street clock in my city. A relic from around 1920-1930 thats been restored recently. 


Those are all really cool. Would love to see photos of the workings of the "rock clock".


A box of f*cking stones?  This is now my new favorite thing, so much better than just one big stone.

I don't see it often, but I live near this building/clock which was built in 1911 and was the tallest building in Baltimore at the time.


I don't know anything about how it works, but here's an internet picture of the inside (sadly no rocks in sight).


I know that clock! used to work in Charm City 


I know that clock! used to work in Charm City 

Nice. You still in Maryland?


Nice. You still in Maryland?

Nope. Western MA now. 


Nope. Western MA now. 

I’m sure it’s nice there, but probably doesn’t have the same ”charm” as Baltimore😂


Amazing what we humans are capable of building 🤯


I don’t see this clock everyday but can look at it on demand. This is a picture of it before it went up on a courthouse in 1885. It stopped working in 1955 though after being struck by lightning. 


Awesome share! Very cool that you work where this clock is. Much more interesting than my job


This one is a local clock in our city, San Sebastian. Back in the day would be the spot groups of friends would agree to meet when there wasn't mobile phones.


I took this other picture in Lisbon back in 2019:


I don’t see this clock everyday but can look at it on demand. This is a picture of it before it went up on a courthouse in 1885. It stopped working in 1955 though after being struck by lightning. 


I KNEW someone was going to throw this in here 😂