Hi and very good morning and greetings from Yorkshire.


Dial is awesome


My favorite place in England…



God’s own county loves watches:

(but I’m just a southerner who occasionally visits!)


He certainly does.


And greetings from just ovver t'border(southern), a PRX morning is a great morning👍👍


Hi and morning also. I should be in Yorkshire today in my caravan, alas broken leg has scuppered that but will be in wonderful Yorkshire later in the year.


Hi and morning also. I should be in Yorkshire today in my caravan, alas broken leg has scuppered that but will be in wonderful Yorkshire later in the year.

We have plenty of Caravans in Pateley Bridge this weekend.


Good morning, I’m a huge fan of your pudding!

Kidding, I don’t know what Yorkshire pudding actually is. And why is everything a pudding with you guys? If I’m being honest, I’m uncomfortable with a food that could be sweet or maybe contains animal brains. Just saying.

Nice watch.

