Ming Bracelet Thoughts


In some views I like the way it looks. In other views it's too gaudy for me. For the price it's a risky purchase without getting to actually see it first.

Also, the "Universal" won't be truly universal.


If you really want the bling, I can do it for a touch cheaper than £600.


If you really want the bling, I can do it for a touch cheaper than £600.


Boom! The unbreakable Soviets! Love it!


It costs as much as my two most expensive watches. Pretty spendy or me.

Others? Not so much.

I like the design though.


It costs as much as my two most expensive watches. Pretty spendy or me.

Others? Not so much.

I like the design though.

Agree 💯


Universal would put any watch cognoscentis off immediately


prefer the watches on straps. this feels like a bit of an afterthought, and it probably is.


Ouch!!! I just bit my lip when I looked at the USD conversion rate. Cool design if wears on wrist nicely. It's got to be comfortable at this price, but it wouldn't get enough use for me to justify it.


Just saw this. It's pretty, no doubt. It seems to be priced on par with other higher end brands, even less. I personally always prefer a tapered design, otherwise it sits too much like a steel cuff.