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4 days ago
Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region, Germany
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commented on What's Your Elevator Pitch? ·

"Why I still prefer wearing these analog 'old style' watches?

That’s a good question. Two things:

First: For most people who enjoy such a watch this is not a tool (anymore). It’s Art.

The watch on its own can be valued from different perspectives: As jewelry. The craftmanship and the technological finesse behind. The heritage coming from the present or often older brand history. But for me most important: a watch on its own is a great way to express yourself, ranging from playfulness up to pure status symbol. A very versatile way to express yourself.

And second: Watches love to be held in groups of full watch boxes. Thus, it gets a great hobby.

While a watch on its own is a great thing as I just said, the watch becomes more in the context of a collection. The item becomes a collectable. And the whole thing becomes a puzzle: How – given boundaries as collecting rules and budget – does the perfect (perfect for you!) 3, 5 or 12 watch collection look like? And for me, that’s a fun puzzle to solve.

Oh look, we already reached the 22nd floor."

commented on FunkTroll's WRUW ·

Thank you Danilo, very kind!

commented on Longines Has The Toughest Gig In The Swatch Group. Being The Next Omega. ·

I recently purchased a Hydroconquest with 20% discount from an AD. So yes, it‘s possible.