Which magical watch ability would you choose?(You can apply it to one watch of your choice)

A bit of Friday fun: Which magical ability would you choose? and in the comments: which watch would you use it on.
107 votes ·

Freezes time like that movie I saw one time


I would go with A(Indestructable case and crystal) and use it on my Seiko 62MAS "Save The Ocean" edition - It will keep that amazing dial safe and I now have a tiny shield in case of emergency 😎


Freezes time like that movie I saw one time

I saw a twilight zone episode where time was stopped to prevent nuclear war. It had been used a. Few other time but I do not remember what was used to stop time.


A watch that allows me to time travel using the crown. I’d go invest in Apple and Microsoft when they were startups and I’ll be drinking Mai tais on the beach today.


No scratches on my santos would be a cheat code


£490ish and 4 months to service my Seamaster, so I'd go for option C....I'd have more money for Seiko's 😁