Star Wars 1999 B2 Battledroid Watch

Such a silly thing but it's got a spot in my collection! Gift from my brother!


Haha, love it 😍 MB&F got nothing on it 😎


@UnholiestJedi has found a challenger in the silly watch department!

Let the competition begin!


@UnholiestJedi has found a challenger in the silly watch department!

Let the competition begin!


THAT'S my brand?!



Cool watch! I have the same and 4 others similar


THAT'S my brand?!


The undisputed King of Whimsical Wednesday!


The undisputed King of Whimsical Wednesday!


Now this is podrac... err watchmaking.


It actually look pretty cool. U would get a lot of questions and compliments if u put it on and go in public


Roger, roger!


That's a cool piece. Great for any collection and awesome conversation starter! 👍🏼👍🏼⌚


I own this exact one! So cool to see someone else has kept it for all these years 😎👌


The Force is strong in this one!


That is cool as an icicle absolutely love it


I own this exact one! So cool to see someone else has kept it for all these years 😎👌

Handed down from my dad to my brother, then my brother to me!