Is there any affordable alternatives to a watch like this? Even a Chinese brand? I love koi fish. This is a Louis Vuitton watch btw.



Closest I could find.


Your best options:


Amazing price for an automatic with dial like that on Aliexpress. Not sure of the quality...


Amazing price for an automatic with dial like that on Aliexpress. Not sure of the quality...

I've had some OK Chinese watches, its Aliexpress, you roll your dice. I just hate when they call open heart Tourbillion. You see that all the time now.


I have purchased a few pieces from AE, though purchase cases, dials and hands frequently to build/modify with.

For full pieces, I have purchased four of them. Three Pagani design. Two of these I bought because they were in $55 range with a seiko nh35. Given the fact that I usually pay $27 for a NH35 and in this case I get a case, bracelet and hands from which I will mod with a new dial...I am pretty good. The other was one with the right case size for me to mod into an Uncle Seiko SARB 37dial. This worked out well. Lastly the other is an OBLVO...which was a splurge on a rather fun piece.

One last thing..AE is providing a chrono homage to Studio UnderD0g. It is very interesting to see these two duke-ing it out, because the AE version is using the same movement (Chinese) as the studio underd0g.


Wish it didn’t have a dumb brand name


$35.00 Alternative


I'd have to look it up that's a beautiful watch


Your inquiry sounds fishy


No recommendations, but just an echo of appreciation for Louis Vuitton. They’re surpassing every assumption and misconception that I had!


