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Photo creds: Hodinkee’s “Our $80 baseball cap is not merch” press release and @HotWatchChick69


So I gotta people actually like merch? I mean, I have a WC t shirt and while I don't mind having it, I've never actually entertained the notion of actually wearing it.

Do people wear YouTube or Facebook t shirts if they didn't work at the company? Is that a thing?


Swag you say?? I'm your Huckleberry😀

I love a good bit of swag. I’ve not been here all that long, but I’d still take WC merch over Hodinkee. They lost all integrity when they stopped doing actual reviews and started shilling for the brands they sell.


The best swag is earned and gifted, not purchased.


Honestly, I liked the look of the Hodinkee cap, but when I saw the price I thought, yep, that's Hodinkee alright.

I'll stick with my current cap, thank you (never mind that it's a bit too small so I don't really use it).


The H cap looks nice.... but $ 110 CAD!!! 😂

And not even sized individual sized hats - but one generic size with a slider to adjust. So crazy.🙄


So I gotta people actually like merch? I mean, I have a WC t shirt and while I don't mind having it, I've never actually entertained the notion of actually wearing it.

Do people wear YouTube or Facebook t shirts if they didn't work at the company? Is that a thing?

I would buy merch from WatchCrunch, but only to support WatchCrunch, and to help advertise WatchCrunch.

Otherwise, I have a cool green Aston Martin F1 jacket. And people say to me all the time, "Ooooh, do you have an Aston Martin?" And I reply, "Dude! I have an FC Barcelona jacket... I don't own FC Barcelona. I just like watching F1 is all."


I wouldn't wear anything with the Hodonkey name on it. Cannot stand that place and their BS knowledge of all things watches. They are a stain on this fine hobby.