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1 month ago
55774 Baumholder, Germany
US Army Soldier
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Q: How did you get into watch collecting?

While in the Army I opened my own automotive detailing business while at my last duty station. It allowed me the financial opportunity to delve into watch collecting. My big bonus help Ed with that too 🫡

Q: What was the first watch you ever owned?

My first watch I ever bought was a $27 unnamed watch brand when I was in Basic Training at Fort Sill. Single-handedly the most durable watch I ever had. Eat your heart out G-Shock.

Q: What is one piece of advice you have for someone just getting into watches?

You can either have 30 low to mid tier daily drivers or blow it all on a Hublot. Your choice really.

Q: What brands have been getting your attention lately?

Really looking into Orient, Higher End Casios(Oceanus and Lineage), and Tissot

Q: What is your grail watch and why?

Grail Watch is my 2003 Rolex Cellini. Classy, and Respectful