An Assortment of 12 watches

Which are your favorites?

Namica Shirahama Neo Tokyo

Baltic Aquascaphe

Seiko 5KX (SRPJ45K1F)

Mr. Jones Perfectly Useless Afternoon

Casio A700 gold

Casio Calculator

Seizenn D12 homage

Casio WS-1600 Countdown Timer

G-Shock GA2100NN

G-Shock GA21001A1

G-Shock GMW5610

Casio F91W


The purple and the light blue Seiko.


The Mr. Jones useless afternoon makes me smile, so that one!


Although I love the CasioAK, Mr. Jones has my heart for how good looking their watches are! (F91w on nato istrap looking so hot 👀)


Nice collection, I would happily have all of them in my collection, personal favourite is the Baltic Aquascaphe but Mr Jones comes a close second 👍


Mr Jones all day everyday!😊


A Perfectly Useless Afternoon, if it's the mechanical version. Otherwise the Baltic Aquascaphe.


V nice - if I had to pick two only then the Baltic and one of the black G Shocks would be my picks.