Bulova “surfboard” made the cut..but not my Razor!

My “surfboard” was my fourth watch I brought with me on my holiday to Santa Barbara! What didn’t make the cut!? My razor! I forgot to pack it!


This seems a good beach watch


No one’s looking at your face when you’re rocking that awesome watch. 🤣


This seems a good beach watch

It is! Very comfortable. Fits in with the whole beach vibe!


No one’s looking at your face when you’re rocking that awesome watch. 🤣

Funny you mentioned the face. I am carrying my “instagram” philosophy onto this site. I was on Instagram for years and not getting any traction with followers. I had a few hundred. My wife suggested that I start smiling in my pictures. Boom! As soon as I started smiling, I started gaining followers and views..actually a few thousand! I started doing reels and I started getting hundreds of thousands of views (some in the millions). But that’s why you see my goofy face sometimes. I haven’t cracked the code on here yet..I just think posting pictures of watches gets kinda stale and static (for me). People like movement, stories behind the watches, different backgrounds. I think?? I am still experimenting. The key is to be consistent with posting…only time will tell? If you want to see more of my goofy face, my Instagram is rickfimple. I hope to see you over there. :)