Birth Watch

Bought this beauty two days after the birth of my first daughter. My Wife and I will wear this watch for ne next 18 years. The Cartier Must XL fits perfectly on her and my wrist. She likes bigger watches. So in 18 years my daughter will get the watch as a gift to start her adult life. ☺️




Congrats and great choice. I’d personally have gone with a smaller size but that’s me. 
enjoy it!


Congrats! It’s a classy watch. Perfect for your daughter. I’m excited for her! 


Congratulations!  Fatherhood (and Tank ownership) are amazing feelings!


That's fantastic. I did the same and brought watches for my 2 boys but I put them away until they are 21 years old. 

Great choice by the way.  The Cartier Tank is one of the icons in the watch world.  The beautiful thing is that when she turns 18, the watch is still relevant and stills stylish.  The design will never get old.  👍 


Thats very nice wish and dad or grand father would pass me there watches but most of there life they were not big watch fans at all. I have my own watches none of my sons are into watches either. They say is dumb and boring. What can I say this new generation don't know what they missing.