May the odds be ever in your favor…

  1. Today was the day that I started working on a second firewood shed, starting with cement post blocks, and unloading cement blocks for the floating pier type floor. As I’m moving blocks, and handling and assembling various tools, I’m thinking Mando would say, “This is NOT the way….” Despite being blaster resistant, I’m not yet ready for my polished beskar steel bracelet to cary the battle scars of careless scrapes of a construction project for purposes of a competition for a crunchy t-shirt that I’m unlikely to win. I’m still in that watch honeymoon period before flipping mental mode to full on tool watch. I swapped out my 1wc chances for a nato today, and am no longer in the competition. I convinced myself this was close enough, since I had already known i had a hard deadline of bailing out by Father’s Day. I enjoyed participating. Thanks for all your work in tracking, documenting, imagination, and subsequent grief @Aurelian I’m sure it’s more than most of us know. Good luck guys and may the odds be ever in your favor… Dave out.


You were a great competitor.


Trying to #1wc on a day of physical labor with a GS makes you a braver man than me. 🫡


Be free friend.


Celebrate freedom properly! - get drunk and try on all your watches in rapid order 😀🍺

Was great having you in the group, and I understand your dilemma - I'm living dangerously in a GS on leather. While I crazily consider my Sakura 413 a kind of a tool watch, the leather band it's on isn't the most sturdy. So, long term concerns....🤔