More Polls! IIcohow-wowyp

I like polls. @witcher.watchers fantastic sub 400 shoot out is coming to an end soon and I am afraid to fall into a poll-less hole. Thankfully @mjosamannen had the same idea as I had - to make December the month of moar polls.

Lately there were some cruel ideas about what if you could have only one watch. I am gonna change that up a bit - If I could only have one watch - which one would you pick? (From her on abreviated to IIcohow-wowyp, now that is one smooth title!)

I've picked 32 watches from my collection and put them in a random order. I'll post one on one matches until there is only one watch left - starting tomorrow.


And then a second round and so on until a grand finale? AND then you'll sell all except the winner?

Ok, sounds good!! I'm on board 😊 I'm so glad you commited to this!


And then a second round and so on until a grand finale? AND then you'll sell all except the winner?

Ok, sounds good!! I'm on board 😊 I'm so glad you commited to this!

Omg just reading 'sell all' is giving me a hint of a panic attack 😱


Omg just reading 'sell all' is giving me a hint of a panic attack 😱


Higher Steaks you say?


Wait until the Micro March Madness!


‘destroys series #8 and #9 are in the works, if you are a fan


mo pol mo betta!

We need a poll on polls next. 

Maybe winner reveal on Christmas day!  A present for us all!


Great idea. Definitely will have an eye on IIcohow-wowyp project. It's going to be some tough choices for me forsure.I I also plan to come up with a new bracket for super budget pucks. I can predict a lot of Casios :)


I'm doing my best to ensure the project to build a watch has at least 3000 polls 😁


I'm doing my best to ensure the project to build a watch has at least 3000 polls 😁

Now that's the right spirit!!! 😁