Always wanted one of these ever since I was in middle school! Today, the dream comes true.

Casio calculator watch, always wanted one as a kid, got one at Walmart today. What more else is there to say? A classic nerd watch!


Whenever I see this it really takes me back.  I remember feeling like "the man" when I got one of these Casio calculator watches as a kid in the 80's.  Then I don't know what happened.  Somewhere along the way I stopped wearing watches at all by the time I got to high school.  Don't even remember why 😕 It was decades before I started wearing them again.  I guess all's well that ends well...


Ooh, a tip calculator!


Hey I completely understand where you are coming from! However I actually wanted it fairly recently because of Back to The Future and Marty McFly wearing it. I know that sounds like a ridiculous reason but it's kind of why I wanted it


Hey I completely understand where you are coming from! However I actually wanted it fairly recently because of Back to The Future and Marty McFly wearing it. I know that sounds like a ridiculous reason but it's kind of why I wanted it

I also found out about how it was in Back to the Future as well from Youtube videos on watches, and it just made me want it more, since I always wanted one as a kid AND now I know it's a movie watch as well!


Ooh, a tip calculator!

No need to reach for the phone when I can reach for my WRIST!


So nostalgic- 
I also had one of these in grade 7! It  made me feel like a spy since I was now capable of digital magic   😎

I could also rival my dads super cool large briefcase / camera bag that was his cell phone 

Funny,  I never noticed it in back to the future 🙄


So cool! Old school gadgetry Brings back memories Love it!